Temple Marriage

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Temple Marriage

India's population is not particularly prosperous economically, yet weddings are a lavish and boisterous celebration in the Hindu culture. It comes with a big price tag, pomp, and circumstance. Naturally, not everyone has the means to do that. In the Hindu community, families and society still reject intercaste unions. A temple wedding becomes necessary when a couple wishes to wed according to Hindu customs without their families' permission or if they choose to forgo the significant financial outlay.In India, a Temple marriage is widely acceptable in the Hindu society. It involves marriage traditions and Hindu ceremonies. According to Hindu traditions, the seven steps around the sacred fire are the most famous. Such weddings are likewise legally recognised by the law. It is crucial to register it, though. After marriage, a couple must submit a registration application. Together with legality, it gives the marriage a divine element. Nowadays, a lot of tourists travel to India to get married in a temple.